Setting and achieving goals is a great way to keep yourself on track and get what you want out of life. You might be wondering how to make good goals, but don’t worry! I’m going to give you some tips on how to make sure that your goals are specific, measurable and challenging so that they’re actually achievable.
Define your goals
The first step to achieving your goals is to define them. Before you can start working on a solution, you need to know what problem you’re trying to solve. The more specific and precise your goal is, the better–and it’s important that they be realistic.
If someone tells me they want their abs to look like Brad Pitt’s in Fight Club or their arms like Arnold Schwarzenegger’s in Terminator 2: Judgment Day (or even just “toned”), I’m going to tell them no and then laugh at them behind their back because those things aren’t possible within three months’ time period unless they want some major surgery done as well as make other significant lifestyle changes (and even then). But if someone says something like “I want my waistline measured at 35 inches” or “I want my bench press max of 185 pounds,” well then we’ve got something tangible here!
Set a clear and specific goal
Setting a clear and specific goal is the first step to achieving your goals. It’s important to define the problem before starting on a solution, so make sure you know exactly what it is that you want to change or achieve.
It may be tempting to think about other people’s fitness goals, but don’t worry about them! You should set ambitious but realistic fitness goals that are tailored specifically to your own life and needs–otherwise they won’t be effective in helping you reach those goals in the long run. For example: “I want to lose 10 pounds by January 1st next year” or “I’m going for 20 pushups per day for 30 days straight.”
Set realistic, measurable and challenging goals
The first step in setting a goal is defining the problem. If you don’t know what your goal is, how can you achieve it?
Before we dive into how to set goals and make them happen, let’s take a moment to talk about why this matters. Setting goals helps us focus on what we want out of life and gives us something concrete to work towards. It also gives us motivation when things get tough because instead of thinking “Why am I doing this?”, we remind ourselves that our goal will be worth it when we reach it!
But there’s more: having clear-cut objectives also helps other people understand where they can help (or even hinder) our progress towards achieving those objectives–which means they’ll be able to support us better as well!
Make goals that are specific, measurable and challenging
The most effective goals are specific, measurable and challenging. A goal that’s too vague can be hard to achieve, while one that’s too specific might not be all that challenging (or even possible).
A good example of a specific, measurable and challenging goal would be: “I want to run one marathon this year.” This statement tells you exactly what you’re trying to accomplish in terms of distance (marathon), time frame (one year) as well as what you’ll need in order for it happen (running).
Don’t make all your goals long-term at once
There are two ways to approach this. The first is to have a lot of long-term goals and set them all at once. This can be overwhelming and make it difficult for you to focus on one thing at a time. The second way is setting one or two goals, then working towards those before adding more into your life.
The best part about having short-term goals is that they’re easier for us humans because we like instant gratification! So if we achieve something quickly and get rewarded for it, we feel good about ourselves and our accomplishments–which motivates us further down the line with continued success.
Write down your goals so you can see them every day and keep reminding yourself of what you want to achieve!
If you want to achieve your goals, it’s important that you write them down. Writing down your goals makes them more real and tangible, which will help motivate you to achieve them.
Write down your goal on a piece of paper or in a notebook where it can be seen every day so that it becomes part of your routine!
Remember to stick to one goal at a time!
You can make your goals more achievable by breaking them down into smaller steps. But don’t try to achieve too many goals at once, or your focus will be spread too thin and nothing will get done. Instead, focus on the most important goal first and then work on one other goal at a time. For example: if you want to lose weight, start by making sure that all of your meals are healthy ones; then add exercise into the mix; finally, look at ways for improving how much sleep you get per night (such as using an app like Sleep Cycle).
When setting up this kind of system for yourself it’s important to remember not only what needs doing but also when it needs doing by! A good way of making sure this happens is by using an online calendar tool such as Google Calendar or iCalendar which allows users access 24/7 from any device with internet access (desktop computer laptop tablet smartphone etc.).
Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed by too many goals at once! Focus on one goal at a time and keep reminding yourself of what you want to achieve. If you find that you have trouble staying motivated or keeping focused, try setting smaller goals along the way (for example: “I want to lose 10 pounds this year”).